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Bio - Tony

Don Henry

Don Henry teaches in the Automotive Service Technician and Heavy Equipment Technician programs at Lakeland College, Vermilion, Alberta, where he has been a faculty member for more than 20 years. Mr. Henry also works closely with fire etc. In a partnership between the two institutions, he co-developed and delivers Canada’s only post-secondary level Fire Apparatus Maintenance program. He has written numerous articles on the maintenance and repair of heavy equipment and fire apparatus, and has presented seminars nationally and internationally on those topics. He has also completed the only textbook on fire apparatus maintenance - Fire Department Pumping Apparatus Maintenance  

Mr. Henry is a principal member of the proposal committee for National Fire Protection Association 1071 - Standard for Emergency Vehicle Technician Professional Qualifications, has been president of the National Association of Emergency Vehicle Technicians, and is chair of the Apparatus Maintenance Section for the International Association of Fire Chiefs. He also holds memberships in the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers and the Fluid Power Society. His credentials include a Certified Fluid Power Specialist exam rating, and an Emergency Vehicle Technician rating as a Master Technician. Mr. Henry also holds journeyman certification in both Automotive Service Technician and Heavy Equipment Technician trades.

Columns at Fire Fighting in Canada

Truck Checks: Sustainable apparatus
Truck Checks: Transmission tips for fire apparatus
Truck Checks: More transmission tips
Truck Checks: Transmission Tips – Part 3
Truck Checks: Transmission tips – Part 4
Truck Checks: Bio diesel for the fire service?
Truck Checks: Measuring a filter’s performance
Truck Checks: Why can’t I get my fire truck fixed?
Truck Checks: Choosing the right motor oil
Truck Checks: Batteries for the bewildered
Truck Checks: Grease: A brief introduction
Truck Checks: Air-brake maintenance
Truck Checks: Air-brake maintenance – part two
Truck Checks: Annual pump testing - Part two
Truck Checks: Apparatus 101: Test your skills - First 50 answers

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