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Service Order

The following screen shows the heart of the system, the service order.   The Work tab shows the basics.  The Customer only appears on this screen if the unit belongs to a customer.   The View Cost and View Price buttons allow you to control which of the cost and price are visible on the screen and on the Service Order reports.  The View Price command button is only visible if this service order is on a customer unit.

The Customer PO Nbr and Our Invoice Number are used to track the invoices to customers.  An external accounts receivable system is required to track which invoices have been paid and which haven't been. In some environments the office staff may choose to enter these fields to indicate they've done the paper work required. 

The Service tab shows the current kms/miles or hours when the work was performed.  You can change the Kms to Mls in the Global Options form.    The next service interval is calculated.    

The Labour tab allows you to capture who did the work and, if a customer unit, the custoemr

The Parts tab shows you the standard consumable parts such as fluids and filters.  You can put as many other parts on here as you want.

The Add Equip. Parts to Service Order button allows you to view the commonly used or consumable parts for this unit and quickly add them to the work order.   The Add Parts to Service Order button brings up all the parts for you to view, filter and add to this service order.   The View Equipment Parts Info button allows you to view the consumable parts for this unit.

The Invoices tab allows you to capture external invoices paid to other companies such as for parts you don't normally stock or work you don't normally do such as windshields.  If this unit belongs to a customer you will be able to enter the markup or the price.

The Total tab shows you the total cost and price for this service order.  Note that the Price is only visible if the service order belongs to a customer unit.  

The GST and PST can be customized to meet your local government requirements in the Setup Menu >> Sales Taxes forms.  If you are using external invoicing you can disable the taxes portion on this form by going to the Setup Menu >> Global Options >> Invoicing tab and unchecking the Calculate Taxes check box.


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